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A catalyst and a compass for your future.

Using excerpts from their book, "Rest, Retreats, Revival and Other Comedies", Chris and Carol Green compiled and produced a scaled down 45-page publication to continue to push their 'You are Success in Process' campaign.

  • This 'eBook' compilation is for that person who is sick and tired of projecting a brave front while hiding their deep disappointment behind spirituality.  

  • It's for the person who is no longer looking for a typical self-help manual, filled with inspirational stories and motivational meditations. 

  • Both of these books are for that soul who is ready to challenge their core beliefs about why their life keeps going off the rails, to stop blaming 'the devil' for everything that goes wrong, and truly desires to finally break FREE from the unending cycles of dead-ends, defeat and discouragement.

  • These books aren't for everyone, but they are for those who are ready to embrace the reality that, "Your Life Matters to God."

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